
Worker Co-ops and Employment Law in Canada

Prepared for: Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation and Saint Mary’s University By John McNamara, Student, Master of Management Co-operatives and Credit Unions, St. Mary’s University Excerpt: 1.0 Introduction Worker co-operatives occupy a unique place in the economy and employment law. The employees of the organization also control the organization as owners. As a result, the workers Worker Co-ops and Employment Law in Canada

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Cooperative enterprises in industry and services prove their strong resilience to the crisis

Cooperative enterprises in industry and services prove their strong resilience to the crisis Since October 2008, the financial crisis has been affecting the economy and the financial system at the world level. As a response to the concerns regarding this situation and the serious challenges for employment, enterprise sustainability and social cohesion, CICOPA initiated a Cooperative enterprises in industry and services prove their strong resilience to the crisis

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CWCF Good Governance May 19, 2010 Tele-learning Session Summary

Please see the notes and PowerPoint presentation below. “Governance” means: the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented) United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Human Settlements, What is Good Governance. “Governance is the task of defining the goals and standards of an organization CWCF Good Governance May 19, 2010 Tele-learning Session Summary

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Managing the democratic life in a worker co-op: role of members, the board and managers/co-ordinators

Alain Bridault CWCF Annual Conference Saturday, October 30, 2010 in Vancouver Summary In a worker co-op, one has to have a good understanding of group dynamics. There are two energies within the group.  First: Production energy; the more important the goal or target is, the higher the energy level. When you look at a worker Managing the democratic life in a worker co-op: role of members, the board and managers/co-ordinators

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Worker Co-op Toolbox

Worker Coop Toolbox The above guide Supports Worker Co-op Formation and Expansion Developed by the North country Cooperative Foundation (Minnesota), the Worker Co-op Toolbox provides a new set of resources to assist potential worker co-op members and their partners in choosing, planning, organizing, and supporting new and existing employee-owned cooperatives. Thanks to Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund Worker Co-op Toolbox

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CICOPA Interview with CWCF President Alain Bridault (2010 CWCF March/April E-Newsletter)

Q: You’ve recently been elected president of the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF). Why was this important to you? A: It seemed essential to me to strengthen worker co-operatives in Quebec by joining the Quebec movement with the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation.  Therefore, in 2007, I first convinced the Network of Worker Co-operatives of Quebec, CICOPA Interview with CWCF President Alain Bridault (2010 CWCF March/April E-Newsletter)

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2010 CWCF Tele-learning Session #2 – Conflict Resolution Summary

Please see attachments below for the summary, PowerPoint, accountability chart procedures, accountability chart, employment contract, and job description examples. To listen to the session please view here Job Description Form Co-opEmployment ContractAccountability Chart ProceduresConflict in Worker Co-opsAccountability Chart2010 CWCF Tele-learning Session – Conflict Resolution – Notes

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Archived March 22, 2020 – The Growth Factors of Worker Co-operatives – Interview with Bruno Roelants (2010 CWCF March/April E-Newsletter)

Bruno Roelants is the General Secretary of CICOPA (International Organisation of Industrial, Artisanal and Service Producers’ Co-operatives), which is the sectoral organization of the International Co-operative Alliance that promotes worker cooperatives. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, CICOPA has a membership of 57 national and regional cooperative federations in 39 countries. CWCF recently had the opportunity to Archived March 22, 2020 – The Growth Factors of Worker Co-operatives – Interview with Bruno Roelants (2010 CWCF March/April E-Newsletter)

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