
Using Financial Models

Presentation by Peter Hough Objective: To learn to develop and use basic financial models to assist with budgeting and other financial decisions. Benefits: Assists in decision making: Shows relationship between financial parameters Easy comparison of options Sensitivity analysis – easy to vary the assumptions of multiple relationships Helps to make judgments on level of risk Using Financial Models

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Strategies for Developing Immigrant Worker Co-ops

Immigrant Worker Co-op Strategies paper drafted by Hazel Corcoran of the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation. Excerpt: I. Background Through the current Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) Innovation and Research (I & R) Project, the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (CWCF), in consultation with its Diversity Committee, is prioritizing worker co-op development in immigrant communities, including approaches and Strategies for Developing Immigrant Worker Co-ops

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So You Want to Retire

Presentation by Peter Hough Excerpt: Key Issues: -Founding and Long Term Members Retirement Security Relinquishing member/ownership and it benefits Worker Co-operative New Members Viability Cash Flow Debt Load Knowledge Transfer …continued in attachment. So You Want to Retire_0

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Guidelines for Determining Whether or Not There Is an Employer-Employee Relationship in a worker Co-op

This Brief attempts to highlight the criteria used to determine whether or not a worker co-op has an employer-employee relationship or is classed as a group of independent contractors. Excerpt: Purpose of This Document 1. The purpose of this Brief is to outline the nature of worker co-operatives and the method for determining whether or Guidelines for Determining Whether or Not There Is an Employer-Employee Relationship in a worker Co-op

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The Worker Co-operative Movements in Italy, Mondragon and France: Context, Success Factors and Lessons

Abstract The objective of this paper is to analyze the public policy environment, capitalization environment, availability of federation support, and the context for the worker co-op movements in each of Italy, Mondragon (Spain) and France. These three countries or regions have the largest, most dynamic worker co-op movements in the world. To grow a large The Worker Co-operative Movements in Italy, Mondragon and France: Context, Success Factors and Lessons

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RRSP Changes Guide – April 2012

This document provides information on changes to RRSP programmes for Cooperatives. The information contained in this document is, for many, time-sensitive. Please download the file below. RRSP changes Guide fnl-2

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An Ongoing Challenge: Managing Equity/ Justice in a Worker Co-op

In a previous column, Alain Bridault, President, ORION cooperative research and consulting, stressed the importance of managing the acceptability of decisions taken by the board of directors or senior management in their respective powers fields. He pointed out that the only right decisions are decisions well accepted by the members, that is to say, understood An Ongoing Challenge: Managing Equity/ Justice in a Worker Co-op

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Preparing and Marketing Financing Proposals: A Plain Language Guide for Worker Co-ops

Excerpt: The purpose of this Guide is to help you navigate the financial planning and marketing process for your co-op. There is really no distinction between what your business plan and/or financing proposals need in order to get approved by financiers and what your co-op needs in order to succeed. As a general rule: whatever Preparing and Marketing Financing Proposals: A Plain Language Guide for Worker Co-ops

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