Eric Tusz-King has served as the Atlantic region director on CWCF’s board since 2007, and will conclude his final term in office later this year. His introduction to the worker co-op movement began with the development of EnerGreen Builders’ Co-operative, which was created to build energy-efficient homes in 2006. His interest in the co-op model, however, goes back to his university years, and has included membership in co-ops of many different kinds. He is currently with Aster Group, an environmental consulting co-operative.
Eric believes the co-op model, particularly worker co-ops, is the best model for achieving economic, social, and environmental goals, a belief that is closely tied to his faith in humanity. He believes that people are good, and that co-ops build on our inherently cooperative nature, as opposed to the competition encouraged by traditional capitalism.
Eric feels that CWCF has a significant role to play in helping its members by fostering a supportive ecosystem. His long tenure on the board has acquainted him with a committed group of people, and he appreciates the camaraderie that he’s found with fellow board members during this time.
Eric believes that the commitment CWCF has made to engaging with the social and solidarity economy will play a key role in its mandate over the next few years. With much of the economy needing to be rebuilt as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, he considers the present an opportune time for worker co-ops to demonstrate their vision for a brighter future.
Eric has contributed on many CWCF committees during his tenure on the board, including the Policy Committee, the Conference Planning Committee, for many years the Executive Committee (as VP), and currently the HR Committee. He has also long been a CWCF delegate to the Atlantic Region of The Co-operators.
Thank you, Eric, for your years of service. Your contributions to Canada’s worker co-op movement are much appreciated.