Solidarity Economy Principles Workshop
April 6, 2022, 12 – 2 pm ET.
A chance to share feedback on the recently developed Solidarity Economy Principles. Facilitated by Rebecca Kemble and Cheyenna Weber.
Register here.
A strategic priority of the worker co-op movement and of CWCF is to Build the Solidarity Economy. The draft Solidarity Economy (SE) Principles state these welcoming words: “This work is a loving response to the urgent need for greater co-operation, education, and self-governance in Solidarity Economy and co-operative organizing at all levels. SE organizing, whether it is within a single group or a federation of groups, is developed through study, reflection, and practice. If you are involved in SE organizing at any level the principles and practices are for you. Our movements for freedom thrive when we share and develop knowledge together.”
These SE Principles have roots in many places. The drafting group has stated that “we are inspired by the International Cooperative Principles, the Jemez Principles, and the Madison Principles, collective guidance offered by our ancestors for how to achieve cooperation and resist cooptation by a capitalist, racist, sexist, and ableist system of accumulation, scarcity, and domination. We were (further) inspired by the work of the Grassroots Economic Organizing Collective (GEO) and worker cooperators to develop a set of principles for worker co-operative networks and developers, begun in 2019.” The current principles have largely been drafted by people active in the Solidarity Economy in the US; CWCF is planning to endorse these principles for Canada, too.
The principles and practices on solidarityeconomyprinciples.org are intended to spark conversation and action in our organizations and communities. To this end, the drafting group has been gathering feedback throughout the spring of 2022, and this workshop for CWCF members and allies, facilitated by Rebecca Kemble (past president of the USFWC and member of Union Cab Co-operative of Madison) and Cheyenna Weber (a Solidarity Economy organizer in Brooklyn), is another step in this process. Come share your wisdom, ideas, and practices and help build the Solidarity Economy that all deserve