Work with Values
Work with Values
October 21, 2021 2 pm ET
Prepare to chat with co-op developers and managers about what makes co-ops different and how you can strengthen the culture of your co-op. Work with Values will be a community engagement panel with opportunities to engage with the featured guests and ask questions that affect your co-op directly.
During co-op week this October, join in a one hour live discussion with co-op practitioners and developers on how they build co-ops, creating buy-in among members and partners, and how they create culture within their worker co-ops. Discover Work with Values this October, hosted by Matthew Rempel of Strategy Made Simple in partnership with CWCF.
To join in on the live event, or be notified when the recording is published please sign up here:
- Trista Pewapisconias of Co-operatives First
- Susanna Redekop of Local Food and Farm Co-ops
- David Thuss of London Brewing
- Sandra Allen of Shift Delivery