CWCF’s JEDDI Conversion Project builds on L3’s work by focusing on specific equity-denied groups (EDGs)- such as BIPOC and other racialized groups, LGBTQ2S+, women, people with disabilities, and youth, with the goal of more members of these groups becoming interested in and educated on the conversion process, and for some individuals or groups to take the next step of converting a business to an SPO.
We aim to communicate information on different pathways to Business Conversions geared towards such business owners, design promotional and educational materials on the subject matter for these groups (i.e. workshops, webinars, etc.) and provide meaningful resources and support that will better equip members of EDGs to transition their businesses to social purpose organizations.
Project Outcomes
CWCF’s JEDDI Conversion Project has an approximate completion date of December 2023. The desired communication outcomes will address the following:
The general need for Business Conversions in Canada
- What constitutes a Business Conversion and what types of conversions exist
- The need and genuine interest to integrate EDGs in this process; this point involves emphasizing the pre-existing natural affinity of EDGs to Social Enterprises based on many of their economic practices (including pre-colonial practices of BIPOC groups)
- Ease of transitioning, showcasing that some businesses may already have key aspects of Social Enterprises
- The importance and benefits of transitioning to Social Purpose Organizations for EDGs specifically, i.e. heritage & culture preservation, communal spaces, etc.
Successful cases of conversions by EDGs
To highlight that transitioning is indeed feasible, practical, and financially viable.
- Kincardine Ladies Fitness Co-op (women)
- Glitter Bean Cafe (LGBTQ2S+)
- Alphapointe Acquisition (people with disabilities)
How to transition to a Social Purpose Organization
- Investment Readiness Program opportunities
- Co-operatives First for Indigenous and Rural Projects
- CWCF’s Worker Co-op Academy
Financial Support
- CWCF’s Technical Assistance Grants
- CWCF’s Tenacity Works Fund
- Co-operators’ Co-operative Development Program
Find out:
What is a Social Purpose Organization?
What are some examples of business conversions/social acquisitions?
How does a business conversion work?