
Centre for the Study of Co-ops

Centre for the Study of Co-ops Centre for the Study of Co-ops, at the University of Saskatchewan, is an interdisciplinary teaching and research institute dedicated to developing and offering university courses on co-op theory, principles, development, structures, and legislation; undertaking original research into co-ops; and maintaining a resource centre of co-op materials that supports the Centre for the Study of Co-ops

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Québec government’s Direction des coopératives

Québec government’s Direction des coopératives Québec government’s Direction des coopératives encourages the development and growth of co-ops through various programs and through the administration of the Québec Co-ops Act. The Direction manages the Cooperative de developpement regional (CDR) program through which new co-ops receive technical assistance at no charge, the RIC (Regime d’investissement cooperatif) tax credit Québec government’s Direction des coopératives

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Ontario Co-operative Association

Ontario Co-operative Association The Ontario Co-operative Association (On Co-op) is a primary resource for the development and enhancement of Ontario co-operatives and credit unions. Through membership in On Co-op, co-operatives, credit unions and supporters have access to benefits and programs in the areas of: lifelong co-operative learning; co-operative development; government relations and communications and member Ontario Co-operative Association

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Canadian Co-operative Research Network

Canadian Cooperative Research Network The CCRN-RCRC is your gateway to research on co-operatives in Canada. The goal of this site is to create an online network of co-operative researchers and practitioners that allows for idea exchange, research-sharing, collaboration, determining research priorities and creating a link between researchers, students, practitioners and existing co-op networks year-round. Researchers Canadian Co-operative Research Network

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Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) allows our members to speak with a single voice. CMC is a national, bilingual association that represents more than 18 million co-operative members from 9,000 co-operatives. CMC activities are targeted at helping co-operatives form, develop and thrive. Through advocacy with the federal government, CMC provides a knowledgeable voice to encourage Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada

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Indivisible Reserve

CWCF: Indivisible Reserve What is an Indivisible Reserve? An indivisible reserve in a worker co-op is property owned by the co-operative/the co-operative movement which can never be divided among members.  It is created by allocating a set percentage (e.g., 20% or 40%) of annual surpluses to the indivisible reserve. Who “owns” the capital in the Indivisible Reserve

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CWCF October 2014 Newsletter

The CWCF October newletter has Conference updates and a report from the Quebec 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives. Click here to read it.

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