CWCF November 2013 Newsletter
Read all about the CWCF – CoopZone 2013 Conference in our November newsletter. Participant reviews and more. Click here to read…
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Read all about the CWCF – CoopZone 2013 Conference in our November newsletter. Participant reviews and more. Click here to read…
Our September newsletters provide lots of new information including more reasons to attend the Conference in November, member award winners, The National Co-op Challenge as well as a number of other upcoming events. Click here to read our newsletter.
Our October newsletter has lots of links to new and interesting information about co-ops elsewhere, Co-op week here and a profile of our Merit Award 2013 Winner, Lynn Hannley. Click here to read the October 2013 newsletter.
WHEREAS we believe the best way to achieve the common good is through voluntary collective action and mutual self-help as described in the international principles of co-operation; WHEREAS music and song are powerful forces for change in popular movements for collective well-being; WHEREAS we believe that the worker co-operative model is the type of co-operative … 2012 CICOPA World Music Project
Our July newsletter has information about indivisible reserves, the upcoming conference and more… Click here to read it.
Peter Robinson is skeptical of the green economy. “The green economy was constructed by capitalists,” says the CEO of the David Suzuki Foundation. Robinson spoke at the Canadian Worker Co-op Federation’s 2010 Conference, Worker Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, held in Vancouver from October 28 – 30th. “Beware of the green economy,” said Robinson, “It’s just … 2010 CWCF Conference Review by Hillary Lindsay
This is a brief history of CWCF, from the beginning until early 2018. CWCF case study Final_2018a
January 24, 2013 Important Proposed Changes to Co-op RRSP Rules, by Hazel Corcoran If individuals in your co-op hold co-op shares in a self-directed RRSP, there are two important updates which CWCF wants to bring to your attention. These updates are relevant in cases where individuals (or individuals along with related parties) held 10% or … RRSP Changes Guide Part 2, January 2013
by Peter Hough Sweat equity is generally considered all the voluntary unpaid work that is often required in the first years of a new business. This work is usually unpaid because the new business cannot afford to pay wages or salaries during start-up. The commitment by members to provide sweat equity is often essential for … What is Sweat Equity?