Kenzie Love

2019 AGM Documents

Below are the files related to CWCF’s 2019 AGM in Tatamagouche.  We regret that these documents are available only in English.  / Nous regrettons que de ces documents ne soient disponibles qu’en anglais. Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour comprendre la langue, consultez en français s’il vous plaît avec la directrice générale Hazel Corcoran,  Merci. AGM agenda 2019 AGM Documents

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Climate Leadership through Electric Vehicle Production in Oshawa

By Hazel Corcoran CWCF and Green Jobs Oshawa funded a preliminary feasibility study on transitioning to electric vehicle (EV) production under democratic ownership at the GM plant in Oshawa.  After having received over $10.8 billion in federal and Ontario government bail-outs in 2009, some of which was never repaid, GM Canada announced last year that Climate Leadership through Electric Vehicle Production in Oshawa

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Welcome New Members!

CWCF is pleased to welcome three new members. Congratulations to Eyemole, Drivers Coalition, and Hypha! Eyemole Arts and Technology Co-operative, Vancouver:  Eyemole is a worker co-op that produces digital media and provides consulting services to values-aligned clients.  Services include app development, web design and development, augmented and virtual reality, graphic design, and more.  Drivers Coalition Worker Co-op, Welcome New Members!

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Bio of Laura Ross

CWCF hired Laura Ross to work in our Kentville, Nova Scotia office as RRSP Program Assistant. She works mostly part-time on various RRSP transactions for this growing program, including data entry, account statement mail-outs, etc. The role is much busier, and closer to full-time during RRSP season when CWCF handles a high volume of RRSP Bio of Laura Ross

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