CWCF is pleased to welcome Sandra Allen of Shift Delivery Co-op as its director for the BC/Yukon region. Sandra replaces Jessica Valentine, whom she’d been assisting with her director’s duties since 2019.
A member of Shift Delivery for the past two years, and one of its board members for the past year and a half, Sandra enjoys the opportunity serving on CWCF’s board offers to get a broader perspective on the issues facing Canada’s worker co-ops. She’s found it a great learning experience, and believes she has more to learn as a director while also contributing to CWCF.
Sandra believes some Canadian worker co-ops may not fully appreciate the value of belonging to CWCF, and sees this as a challenge but also an opportunity for the organization to highlight the good work it does in bringing its members together and supporting them. As a board member she hopes to keep spreading the word about CWCF and to help worker co-ops stay engaged with CWCF.
Asked what she wishes people knew about worker co-ops, Sandra says that they open up possibilities that don’t exist in conventional businesses, and make work more meaningful than it would otherwise be. Although her initial motivation for joining Shift was her passion for cycling, she’s found the fact it’s a worker co-op a “huge added bonus” to her work there.
In her spare time, Sandra enjoys cycling and exploring nature, as well as visiting Vancouver’s breweries.
Congratulations Sandra, and best wishes for a successful tenure on the board.