
An ongoing series examining issues in the worker co-op sector.

Co-ops’ Continued Focus on Women’s Empowerment Is Critical to Achieving the Agenda for Sustainable Development

By Kenzie Love As the world marked International Women’s Day this year with a theme of “For ALL Women and Girls: Equality. Rights. Empowerment,” it is clear that there is still considerable progress to be made in making this vision a reality. None of the markers around the Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”) number five on Co-ops’ Continued Focus on Women’s Empowerment Is Critical to Achieving the Agenda for Sustainable Development

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Co-operatives Are At a Pivotal Point

Co-operatives Are At a Pivotal Point  By Kenzie Love  When the United Nations General Assembly declared 2012 as the first International Year of Co-operatives, it seemed to herald a bright future for the movement. With the theme of “Co-operative Enterprises Build a Better World”, the International Year of Co-operatives had three main objectives: increasing awareness, Co-operatives Are At a Pivotal Point

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Even for Worker Co-ops, Paying a Living Wage Is a Complex Issue — Kenzie Love

Like all businesses, worker co-ops are obligated to pay their workers a minimum wage. As recent studies have shown, however, paying the bare minimum is no longer sufficient to cover even basic expenses such as rent in many cities across Canada. Hence the concept of the “living wage”, a figure which theoretically covers the actual Even for Worker Co-ops, Paying a Living Wage Is a Complex Issue — Kenzie Love

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ROSCAs Are an Overlooked But Vital Part of the Co-operative Sector

By Kenzie Love Growing up in Canada as the daughter of Jamaican immigrants, Andria Barrett was familiar with the Jamaican concept of “partner”. What she only learned later in life was that while it has sometimes been overlooked in Western histories of the co-operative movement, partner is just one name for a Rotating Savings and ROSCAs Are an Overlooked But Vital Part of the Co-operative Sector

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