Worker Co-op Profiles

Worker Co-ops are actively involved in the economic and socio-economic fabric of their communities. This page gives a sampling of worker co-ops.

TREC Sees a Bright Future for Renewable Energy – Kenzie Love

CWCF Associate Member TREC Renewable Energy Co-operative was founded in 1998 by a group of Torontonians interested in addressing their carbon footprint collectively. They drew particular inspiration from Germany, where the renewable energy co-operative model had achieved great success. “They could see they could make small steps in their own life,” says TREC’s Co-Executive Director, TREC Sees a Bright Future for Renewable Energy – Kenzie Love

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Co-op Helps Communities to Flourish – Kenzie Love

Flourish Community Development Co-operative comes by its name for a reason. It seeks to create caring, just, sustainable and resilient communities. Communities that will, as its name suggests, “flourish”. The Co-op was founded in 2019, arising from an earlier event called Linking Arms which had brought together progressive consultancies from Nova Scotia and elsewhere in Co-op Helps Communities to Flourish – Kenzie Love

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Transform Practice Works Towards Change One Organization At a Time – Kenzie Love

Transform Practice, a not-for-profit consulting group, is a worker co-op that specializes in design, facilitation, reflective practice, evaluative learning, and strategy, working with community, non-profit, philanthropic, government and private sectors. As its name would suggest, however, the members of Transform Practice seek to go beyond merely tinkering with the framework of the organizations they serve. Transform Practice Works Towards Change One Organization At a Time – Kenzie Love

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Interview with Co-op L’Argot

Co-op l’Argot is a women-led translation and language services co-op based in Montréal, QC. They will be offering simultaneous translation services at CWCF’s 2023 Conference in Quebec City this November. The below is an edited transcript of a Zoom interview by the RéseauCOOP team on February 25, 2021, translated from the original French. Thank you to Interview with Co-op L’Argot

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