CoopZone’s Co-op Enterprise Developer Training Program is a one-of-a-kind modular series designed and delivered by a diverse group of experienced co-op developers from across Canada.
Here are some comments from our most recent graduates:
“CoopZone instructors are great, and the mentoring system gave me the chance to have hours of one-on-one time with an expert in the field.”
“Overall, I really enjoyed the program and I am appreciative of the bursary and support of the co-op development community!”
“I was extremely happy with the program overall, between the friends and peers, the training and the facilitators, and the mentoring, this program is second to none. I would highly suggest it to anyone interested or curious about the world of co-operative development.”
The 2024-2025 training program will deliver eight courses between October 2024 and May 2025. Peer learning and adult-education practices provide an enriched learning experience.
If you would like more information on CoopZone’s Co-op Developer Training Program, please see the page on the CoopZone website here, and/or contact Russ Christianson, Course Director based in Ontario, russ.c@xplornet.com or 705-653-0527 (landline).