CWCF’s Worker Co-op Academy is an online incubator program that coaches start-up groups through the process of developing and launching their worker co-op enterprises in a supportive cohort, with the help of experienced co-op developers. CWCF has run two cohorts through the program and is planning to launch the third cohort this May.
Members of groups who have participated in past cohorts have been effusive in their praise for the program.
“I learned so much attending the Academy and feel confident that our team will be able to present a strong business plan to potential funders,” said one participant in their final evaluation. “The interactions (email, questions) with Russ/Kaye/Hazel were excellent.”
Another participant noted in their evaluation that “It was a great experience. It taught everyone what they needed to know and what they needed to get to know on the running and function of a co-op. The people running the course and in the course are great, everyone participated and gave their opinions. The content was there, the structure was there. Everything was greatly appreciated.”
Toni Boot, co-founder of Oasis Lavenders, a group which participated in the first cohort and has since become a CWCF member, observed: “The Academy was really helpful. I think that working collaboratively with other people that are in the same position as you are, whether exploring it as a different business model, or are just starting up–you can’t really put a price tag on that.”
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