CWCF is pleased to announce the 2023 Young Adult Arts and Culture Grant has been awarded to Coco Einarsen of Montreal. This project entails the production of a one-night incredible drag performance hosted at the new solidarity cooperative bar, Coop BMP (Bar Milton-Parc).
Coop BMP, located in the Milton-Parc neighbourhood of Montreal, aims to bring the residents of the neighbourhood together through affordable food and drink, transformative space, and communal events.
By hosting a drag event in this new space, this project hopes to bring queer youth to the space, spread knowledge about the cooperative model, and increase education and awareness of the power of collective ownership. The group of performers and artists who will participate in the project will be queer and aged 18-35.
Congrats to the winner! Watch CWCF’s newsletter and social media in the coming months for more details on the winning project. Applications for the 2024 grant will open in January next year.