Kenzie Love

Call for CWCF AGM Resolutions and Board Nominations

Call for AGM Resolutions   Resolutions for the CWCF AGM in November are due September 19, 2022. Please see the CWCF Resolutions process, including the Resolutions Form on the last page, at this link: Please submit any resolutions to Resolutions Committee members Jessica Provencher and Frank Bezanson-Harris, copying Executive Director Hazel Corcoran.   Call for Call for CWCF AGM Resolutions and Board Nominations

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Co-ops Can Lead the Race to Zero

By Kenzie Love At the recent CMC (Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada) Congress in Calgary, delegates approved a resolution committing Canada’s co-operative sector to adopt the UN’s Race to Zero, a global pact which mandates signatories to achieve net zero in emissions by 2050 at the latest, and to commit to at least a 50% reduction Co-ops Can Lead the Race to Zero

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CWCF Hiring Project Coordinator

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation is seeking a Project Coordinator for its JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, and Inclusion) Social Acquisition Project.  This role requires connections within communities serving equity-deserving groups; previous experience managing and leading projects projects; and excellent organizational and time management skills. This position will be remote. Applications are due July 17, 2022. CWCF Hiring Project Coordinator

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CWCF Welcomes BIPOC Board Advisors

CWCF is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Paul DeVillers and Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido to its board as the BIPOC Advisors. Please join us in welcoming them both to CWCF!   Paul DeVillers’ bio  Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido

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Home Care Workers’ Co-op Proves There’s a Better Way – Kenzie Love

Long before she even knew about worker co-ops, Danielle Turpin wanted to launch one.  After 16 years as a personal support worker, Turpin had had enough of the lack of autonomy, exploitative working conditions, and inadequate staffing that characterized much of the sector. She envisioned a different approach, one where staff and clients got the Home Care Workers’ Co-op Proves There’s a Better Way – Kenzie Love

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