Kenzie Love

CWCF Welcomes New Intern

CWCF is pleased to announce Aniqah Rahman as our new  JEDDI  Business Conversions project intern, supported by the CreateAction youth employment program. Based in Toronto, Aniqah is an artist, program facilitator, and researcher. The common thread that connects these endeavours are a curiosity and appreciation for the ways in which people shape and communicate their experiences; CWCF Welcomes New Intern

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CWCF Welcomes New Atlantic Region Director

CWCF is pleased to announce the recent addition of Leslie Brown to its board of directors, representing the Atlantic region. Leslie is Professor Emerita in the Sociology Department , Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, where her work has involved teaching, research, policy analysis, and knowledge dissemination. She credits her doctoral thesis on “New Wave” retail CWCF Welcomes New Atlantic Region Director

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CWCF Welcomes New Executive Assistant

CWCF is pleased to announce the hiring of Chloë Williams as our Executive Assistant. Based in Montreal, Chloë first got involved with the co-operative sector as a worker-member and co-founder of the Hive Cafe Solidarity Co-operative at a student-run multi stakeholder co-op at Concordia University, where she is currently an active board member. She recently CWCF Welcomes New Executive Assistant

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Report from the Executive Director, September 2023

By Hazel Corcoran CWCF Conference/Staff Retreat and Transitions/JEDDI Project/New Director/National Day for Truth and Reconciliation As we enter into the fall, CWCF staff and board are hard at work preparing for our 2023 Conference, “Stronger Together”. While there’s more information about this event in the separate article in this newsletter, it will contain a great Report from the Executive Director, September 2023

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CWCF Conference 2023: Stronger Together

Today, we are facing many challenges: the climate crisis, systemic racism, growing income inequality, and others. While the problems are clear, the solutions may not always be readily apparent. But there is one constant: we can best address these issues if we do so together.   That’s why “Stronger Together” is the theme of this year’s CWCF Conference 2023: Stronger Together

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Young Voices Are Critical to the Worker Co-op Movement —Kenzie Love

  Youth today, particularly those who belong to other equity-denied groups, are often subject to social and economic marginalization. But perhaps as a result of the injustices they face, they are also more open than older generations to alternative forms of economic organization, among them worker co-ops. The worker co-op model certainly has much to Young Voices Are Critical to the Worker Co-op Movement —Kenzie Love

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