CWCF is pleased to welcome Jessica Valentine to its board of directors, acclaiming her as its director for the BC/Yukon region at its 2019 AGM. Jessica has been a member of Woodshop Worker’s Co-op for the past six years, currently serving as its marketing director. She brings 15 years of sales and marketing experience to the role.
Jessica believes in worker co-ops as a means of providing people with secure, meaningful employment in a collaborative environment. She joined the board of CWCF because of the organization’s desire to have a member from her region who could activate local communities. Community engagement is something she has experience with as the facilitator of the quarterly Vancouver social events known as Chats, Chews & Brews, organized by Vancity.
Jessica believes that deepening connections among CWCF members presents both a challenge and an opportunity for the organization, given the costs that can arise from organizing such events, contrasted to the opportunity of added benefits to members of increased connections. She hopes to further engage CWCF members through the use of social media and technology, areas she has considerable experience with. Jessica is also hoping to bring skills from her experience on the board back to Woodshop, in areas such as high level strategic planning.
Jessica believes that CWCF provides valuable services to its members in the form of community resources, connectivity with the co-op movement, and solidarity in the co-op movement. She is also interested in helping CWCF pull together a resource library to assist co-ops by gathering existing materials so co-ops don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” when facing issues other co-ops have dealt with.
Congratulations Jessica, and best wishes for a successful tenure on CWCF’s board.