
An ongoing series examining issues in the worker co-op sector.

An Equal Exchange Story: When a founding member gets pushed out

Paper posted on March 6, 2011 was prepared for the Babson-Equal Exchange Cooperative Curriculum titled ‘The Worker Cooperative Life Cycle’ by John R. Whitman Ph.D. This is an academic- style paper that explored whether the Cook and Burress’ theory (2009) of the five phases of a co-operative fit the life cycle of Equal Exchange. The paper An Equal Exchange Story: When a founding member gets pushed out

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Archived March 22, 2020 – The Potential of Worker Co-operatives

Alain Bridault October 28, 2010 CWCF Annual Conference Vancouver, British Columbia In the anglophone world of co-operation, the history of modern co-ops began with those who were called the Pioneers of the city of Rochdale, now a suburb of Manchester (England). The Pioneers were issued from the ranks of the proletariat; they were factory workers. Archived March 22, 2020 – The Potential of Worker Co-operatives

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Managing the democratic life in a worker co-op: role of members, the board and managers/co-ordinators

Alain Bridault CWCF Annual Conference Saturday, October 30, 2010 in Vancouver Summary In a worker co-op, one has to have a good understanding of group dynamics. There are two energies within the group.  First: Production energy; the more important the goal or target is, the higher the energy level. When you look at a worker Managing the democratic life in a worker co-op: role of members, the board and managers/co-ordinators

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The Co-operative Movement in the Next 100 Years: What are the Opportunities? The Challenges?

Ian MacPherson Professor Emeritus of History Co-director, the National Hub The Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships The University of Victoria [NOTE that Ian MacPherson passed away in 2013.  See the ICA tribute to him, here: ] Speech to Worker Co-operatives and Sustainable Development Canadian Worker Co-op Federation Vancouver October 2010 When Hazel Corcoran asked me The Co-operative Movement in the Next 100 Years: What are the Opportunities? The Challenges?

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