News & Events

Remembering Two Pioneers in Quebec’s Forestry Industry

By Chloé Lemon and Dany Rousseau Within the span of two weeks, Quebec’s forestry industry lost two notable people. On November 23 Jean-Yves Lévesque, founder of the newspaper Le monde forestier, passed away, followed by Gérard Paris, first president of RESAM, on December 9. In 1987, Jean-Yves Lévesque founded the newspaper which would later become Remembering Two Pioneers in Quebec’s Forestry Industry

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Atlantic Region – Making the Most of Meeting at the CWCF Annual Conference

By Eric Tusz-King The participants from the Atlantic region at the Annual Conference in Tatamagouche made good use of their caucus time.  They have developed a 3-part plan for promoting and supporting of worker co-ops in the region.  On December 4th ten of those participants and a few more from provincial associations of co-ops met Atlantic Region – Making the Most of Meeting at the CWCF Annual Conference

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CICOPA in NY for the Platform Cooperativism Conference 2019

(from the Winter 2019 issue of CICOPA Link) CICOPA took part in the Platform Cooperativism Conference 2019 held at the New School in New York from the 7th to the 9th of November. Many CICOPA Members and cooperators around the world gathered to discuss ownership in the platform economy, trends of governance and learn from one another. Enriched by keynote speeches by Trebor CICOPA in NY for the Platform Cooperativism Conference 2019

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CICOPA at the ICA & ILO joint event on the Future of Work in Geneva

(from the Winter 2019 issue of CICOPA Link) In commemoration of the ILO Centenary, the ILO and the ICA had co-organized in Geneva on 24th of June a conference to reflect on the role of cooperatives in addressing key issues in the future of work and promoting decent work. A panel discussion was organized with representatives from CICOPA at the ICA & ILO joint event on the Future of Work in Geneva

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Update from the CICOPA Congress

(from the Winter 2019 issue of CICOPA Link) Last 13 October, in the framework of the ICA Global Conference in Kigali, CICOPA organized its Congress. For the occasion, members from all over the world elected their new President and the new board members for the renewed mandate 2019 – 2023. Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal, director of Institutional Relations at Mondragon Update from the CICOPA Congress

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