
Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund

  The Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund (CCIF) is a new $25 million fund dedicated exclusively to bridging financing gaps for the co-operative sector in Canada. CCIF provides loans, equity and quasi equity ranging from $50,000 to $1.25 million per transaction. CCIF can work with co-ops in all provinces, territories and sectors. CCIF focuses on supporting Canadian Co-operative Investment Fund

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Eyemole Creates Project Explaining Worker Co-ops to Youth

CWCF member Eyemole Co-operative has created a visually engaging story, “How to Start a Co-operative”, that explains the co-operative concept to youth. Eyemole created this project with funds from CWCF’s arts and culture grant program, of which they were the first recipient. Congratulations to Eyemole on completing this project – we hope it will serve Eyemole Creates Project Explaining Worker Co-ops to Youth

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Information for the Cooperative Business Community

** Le français suit. ** Hello/Bonjour aux membres de la FCCT /  CWCF members As sources of information on the rapidly evolving Covid19 pandemic, we suggest using the resources on the NCBA site, here, &/or the Government of Canada here. This notice is adapted with permission from CCO, and with guidance from the CWCF Executive Committee.   In order to Coronavirus (COVID-19): Information for the Cooperative Business Community

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Report from the Executive Director, February 2020

By Hazel Corcoran CWCF Conference/new logo and website/North American Worker Co-op Summit II/GM Oshawa plant conversion/Investment Readiness Program proposal/ICA World Co-op Congress bid/Edmonton meet-and-greet. Plans for the CWCF 2020 Conference in Vancouver  (Nov 12-14, at the YWCA Hotel and another venue for the keynote) are proceeding apace.  We are thrilled to have confirmed the keynote: Nathan Schneider, Report from the Executive Director, February 2020

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Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States

This book, published in 2014, attempts to bring Marxism and the solidarity economy together in both theory and practice. Since the financial crisis of 2008 and the global popular protests of 2011, more people have begun to wonder and speculate: what’s next for civilization? The economic, social, and political status quo seems unsustainable, but what Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States

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