Solidarity Economy

CWCF Seeks BIPOC Board Advisors

As announced at the AGM, CWCF is seeking two BIPOC Board Advisors.  The characteristics sought are: That they be BIPOC : Black, Indigenous, or (other) People of Colour.  That they be engaged in the co-op movement and/or in co-op development, with preference to those in the worker co-ops movement.  The time commitment is for approximately CWCF Seeks BIPOC Board Advisors

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The USFWC Union/Co-ops Subcommittee

The USFWC Union/Co-ops Subcommittee works toward the vision of a worker-driven cooperative economy, with workplace and economic democracy for all. Our primary focus is building bridges between the cooperative and organized labor movements, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

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1worker1vote is building a national network of hybrid, shared ownership, regional and municipal ecosystems starting with unionized worker-owned cooperative businesses to overcome structural inequalities of opportunity, mobility, and income. Building pathways out of poverty leading to pathways toward prosperity. A union co-op is a for-profit business owned and directed by workers. This business model utilizes 1worker1vote

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Practical Steps Towards Dismantling Racism —Kenzie Love

In contrast to its American counterpart, which has seen considerable growth among BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of colour) communities in recent years, Canada’s worker co-op sector remains largely White, with little evidence that this is changing. Diversity and inclusion have been identified as priorities, but as Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard argued in her recent presentation Practical Steps Towards Dismantling Racism —Kenzie Love

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Shop in Solidarity

  Co-operation between co-ops is one of the co-op movement’s seven principles,  and with that in mind we’ve developed a simple way to bring this principle to life: Solidarity Shopping. Modeled on the initiative developed by the US Federation of Worker Co-ops, CWCF has established a one-stop shopping site that we encourage all of our Shop in Solidarity

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CMC adopts Climate Change Resolution at 2022 Congress in Calgary

The climate change motion put forward by CWCF was adopted at the 2022 conference (the backgrounder is available here). NOTE: old versions, from the fall of 2015 and 2018:  CWCF called for  agreements in Paris and Glasgow that included these same elements. CWCF-statement-on-climate-change_UPDATED_27_11_2018 150716_CWCF statement on climate change_final

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