As announced at the AGM, CWCF is seeking two BIPOC Board Advisors. The characteristics sought are:
- That they be BIPOC : Black, Indigenous, or (other) People of Colour.
- That they be engaged in the co-op movement and/or in co-op development, with preference to those in the worker co-ops movement.
- The time commitment is for approximately one year or until the next CWCF AGM in November, 2022; this could be renewed for an additional term if mutually agreed.
- It is preferred but not required that they be part of CWCF’s JEDDI (racial Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, and Inclusion) Committee – already a member or that they join the Committee.
- It’s not necessary that they be eligible to run for the CWCF board, but preference will be given to those who are.It is hoped and intended that the Advisors would eventually run for and be part of the CWCF board.
Advisors to the CWCF board have the same right to speak and be heard as board members, although they do not carry the legal responsibilities of being board members.
The deadline to apply to be a BIPOC Board Advisor to CWCF is December 20, 2021. Please email your intention with a brief bio describing your qualifications and desire to join the Board as a BIPOC Advisor. Email should be sent to Hazel Corcoran at hazel@canadianworker.coop.