CWCF is pleased to announce Nasreen Omar as our second BIPOC board advisor. Nasreen is the Chair of the Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op in Edmonton. She migrated to Canada 47 years ago. She has been with the Co-op for the last 25 years. She retired as a Multicultural Program Coordinator from Alberta Health Services (University of Alberta Hospital) after 20 years of service.
She has a B.A. in Sociology and Master’s in Library Science. In both her jobs, Alberta Health Services and Multicultural Health Brokers Co-op, she has been a master trainer of Intercultural Competency. She has an extensive experience in community education. She does a Punjabi radio program, South Asian Men’s, and Women’s support group. She also does community education in parenting in two cultures and general health. She is an active educator of the worker co-op at the MCHB. She researches, designs and delivers workshops to relevant conferences.
Welcome Nasreen!