Kenzie Love

Call for expressions of interest for a CEBA loan from Tenacity Works fund

The federal government’s Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program offered interest-free loans of up to $60,000 to small businesses and not-for-profits at the height of the pandemic, a program that several CWCF members participated in. For eligible CEBA borrowers in good standing, repaying the balance of the loan on or before December 31, 2023 will Call for expressions of interest for a CEBA loan from Tenacity Works fund

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Quebec’s Worker Co-op Sector Offers Lessons for the Rest of Canada

By Kenzie Love   When discussing the ideal environment for worker co-ops, Spain’s Mondragon and the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy are often held up as models. But while its worker co-op sector isn’t as strong as in these areas, there’s another point of comparison closer to home: the province of Quebec. With over 200 worker Quebec’s Worker Co-op Sector Offers Lessons for the Rest of Canada

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Worker Co-op Academy Participants Offer Testimonies in Support of Program

CWCF’s Worker Co-op Academy is an online incubator program that coaches start-up groups through the process of developing and launching their worker co-op enterprises in a supportive cohort, with the help of experienced co-op developers. CWCF has run two cohorts through the program and is planning to launch the third cohort this May. Members of Worker Co-op Academy Participants Offer Testimonies in Support of Program

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