Kenzie Love

Apply Now to the Worker Co-op Academy

By Kenzie Love (updated May 19, 2022) Starting any business is challenging, and co-ops are no different. As veteran co-op developer Russ Christianson observes: “Like any good business, a co-op requires an excellent business plan, sufficient start-up capital, and the tenacity of its founders.  Typically, there will be long hours, many meetings, and low pay Apply Now to the Worker Co-op Academy

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Board Member Profile: Sandra Allen

CWCF is pleased to welcome Sandra Allen of Shift Delivery Co-op as its director for the BC/Yukon region. Sandra replaces Jessica Valentine, whom she’d been assisting with her director’s duties since 2019.  A member of Shift Delivery for the past two years, and one of its board members for the past year and a half, Board Member Profile: Sandra Allen

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