News & Events

The Allium’s Closure Offers Lessons for Other Worker Co-ops

By Kenzie Love Worker co-ops have proven to be more resilient than conventional businesses. But like any business, some of them still inevitably close. Such was the case for Calgary’s The Allium Restaurant, which opened in 2019 and shut its doors last month. Despite the critical acclaim it garnered, the restaurant struggled with factors beyond The Allium’s Closure Offers Lessons for Other Worker Co-ops

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CWCF Welcomes Ashley Igboanugo as JEDDI Intern

CWCF is thrilled to welcome Ashley Igboanugo as our JEDDI Intern, supported by the CreateAction youth employment program. With an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, and expertise and passion for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Ashley’s qualifications align perfectly with the transformative goals of the JEDDI Social Acquisition/Business Conversion Project. In her role, Ashley CWCF Welcomes Ashley Igboanugo as JEDDI Intern

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CWCF Awards Racial Justice Project Grants

CWCF’s Racial Justice Project Grant fund was established in 2022, as a part of the Racial Justice Action Plan drafted by CWCF’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization & Inclusion (JEDDI) Committee. This Action Plan has the long-term objective of a worker co-operative movement in Canada which is racially diverse, inclusive, and just. This granting pool is CWCF Awards Racial Justice Project Grants

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Ven Drake

Ven, based in Campbellford, Ontario, is drawn to CWCF for their strong belief in empowering workers. With a programming background and experience at auticon and ethical digital, they bring valuable skills and knowledge. Ven’s interests span gaming, writing, pixel art, cooking, and D&D. Proficient in programming languages like JAVA, SQL, SAS, CSS, HTL, Python, Flask, Ven Drake

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Call for expressions of interest for a CEBA loan from Tenacity Works fund

The federal government’s Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program offered interest-free loans of up to $60,000 to small businesses and not-for-profits at the height of the pandemic, a program that several CWCF members participated in. For eligible CEBA borrowers in good standing, repaying the balance of the loan on or before December 31, 2023 will Call for expressions of interest for a CEBA loan from Tenacity Works fund

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