News & Events

Board Member Profile: Sandra Allen

CWCF is pleased to welcome Sandra Allen of Shift Delivery Co-op as its director for the BC/Yukon region. Sandra replaces Jessica Valentine, whom she’d been assisting with her director’s duties since 2019.  A member of Shift Delivery for the past two years, and one of its board members for the past year and a half, Board Member Profile: Sandra Allen

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Worker Co-ops Offer Advice on Surviving Common Struggles

By Kenzie Love CWCF introduced our member profile series in 2019 with the goal of highlighting our members’ successes and challenges. The members profiled so far have shown the full spectrum of diversity on display in Canada’s worker co-op sector, and this wide variety of co-ops is something worth celebrating. But despite their differences, worker Worker Co-ops Offer Advice on Surviving Common Struggles

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Board Member Profile: Jared Blustein

CWCF is pleased to welcome Jared Blustein, a member of The Allium Restaurant  in Calgary, to its board as a Director-at-Large. Jared and the other members of The Allium, which operates both the restaurant and a marketplace to sell unused foodstuffs, strongly believe in allyship and support of other worker co-ops as a part of Board Member Profile: Jared Blustein

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Parcours Program Update

CWCF is working actively with le Réseau COOP in Quebec to adapt their worker co-op training program to English Canada, and we expect to launch it in mid to late February. It’s called le Parcours COOP, loosely translated as “Co-op Journey.”  This program offers entrepreneurs a framework for setting up their worker co-operative, with the Parcours Program Update

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Practical Steps Towards Dismantling Racism —Kenzie Love

In contrast to its American counterpart, which has seen considerable growth among BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of colour) communities in recent years, Canada’s worker co-op sector remains largely White, with little evidence that this is changing. Diversity and inclusion have been identified as priorities, but as Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard argued in her recent presentation Practical Steps Towards Dismantling Racism —Kenzie Love

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Shop in Solidarity

  Co-operation between co-ops is one of the co-op movement’s seven principles,  and with that in mind we’ve developed a simple way to bring this principle to life: Solidarity Shopping. Modeled on the initiative developed by the US Federation of Worker Co-ops, CWCF has established a one-stop shopping site that we encourage all of our Shop in Solidarity

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