News & Events

Black History Month a Chance to Recognize Overlooked Co-operative Tradition

By Kenzie Love February is Black History Month, and while the contributions of Black Canadians to the worker co-op movement are deserving of recognition all year round, they haven’t always been accorded this. Despite a rich history within the Black community (and other BIPOC communities), the history of co-operatives is often confined to a narrative Black History Month a Chance to Recognize Overlooked Co-operative Tradition

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CWCF Young Adult Arts and Culture Granting Program Accepting Applications

CWCF’s Young Adult Arts and Culture Granting Program is now accepting applications.  Please complete the application form by April 30, 2024 if you wish to apply. More information about the program, including selection criteria and past winners, is available here. Please contact Communications and Member Services Manager Kaye Grant at with any questions.  

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Worker Co-ops and the First Co-op Principle

By Kenzie Love When it comes to the first co-op principle, voluntary and open membership, the International Co-op Association’s Statement of Co-operative Identity is quite succinct: “Co-operatives are voluntary organisations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.” This Worker Co-ops and the First Co-op Principle

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CWCF Seeks BIPOC Board Advisors

As announced at the AGM, CWCF is seeking two BIPOC Board Advisors.  The characteristics sought are: That they be BIPOC : Black, Indigenous, or (other) People of Colour.  That they be engaged in the co-op movement and/or in co-op development, with preference to those in the worker co-ops movement.  The time commitment is for approximately CWCF Seeks BIPOC Board Advisors

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London Brewing Receives Worker Co-op Best Practices Award

The Worker Co-op Best Practices Award goes to a worker co-operative which has demonstrated best practices in governance and/or operations, including in upholding the values and principles of the co-operative movement within their co-operative, and has shared, or is willing to share their experience and learnings with other worker co-operatives in Canada. This year’s award London Brewing Receives Worker Co-op Best Practices Award

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Report: Among the Canadian Co-operators  (November 26, 2021)

By Elias Crim, Ownership Matters (Chicago, IL) With about 70 others (total Conference registration of 165), we attended the Nov. 16 sessions of the Conference hosted by the Canadian Worker Coop Federation and came away energized, impressed, and better informed. Here are some highlights of what we saw and heard. The Keynote Panel was comprised Report: Among the Canadian Co-operators  (November 26, 2021)

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By Kaye Grant At our recent 2021 Virtual AGM held on November 17, 2021, there was the usual business, however, we were delighted to have greetings provided by Hugues Bourgeois, Interim Executive Director, Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada, and Alexandra Wilson, Board Vice Chair, Co-operators and Francesca Zaganelli, Membership Coordinator, CICOPA, Brussels. Reflecting on the conference CWCF AGM News

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