We’re offering an early-bird Conference registration rate of just $175 for our members until September 29, so don’t delay – reserve your spot now!
The past two years have been challenging ones for Canada’s worker co-op sector. But they’ve also demonstrated the courage, resilience and innovation our members possess. With these assets in hand, we’re excited to be gathering in Vancouver, BC for our first in-person Conference since 2019, with the theme of Collective Power: Mutual Empowerment to Build the Solidarity Economy with Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
To build Collective Power in worker co-ops, practical tools are needed. Training session themes include strategic planning, available grants, and accountability for collective well-being. In terms of growing the movement, sessions of interest include building co-op ecosystems, government relations, and collaborations with trade unions. There will be a CWCF strategic planning feedback session and as always, great opportunities to network and build solidarity with other worker co-operators and co-op developers!
We look forward to presenting the same compelling speakers, engaging workshops, and great networking we’ve offered at past conferences, which we anticipate being all the more significant after so long apart (see our draft Programfor more info on what to expect). And for those who won’t be coming to Vancouver, we’re pleased to be making our Conference as accessible as possible with virtual attendance options for many of our sessions.