News & Events

CWCF Emergency Relief: Supports to Worker Co-operatives re: Covid-19

We have been monitoring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our members closely, and it has become clear in recent weeks many worker co-operatives will need support to recover or continue their operations during and after the pandemic.  We are already aware of various changes:  some members are far busier than before but without CWCF Emergency Relief: Supports to Worker Co-operatives re: Covid-19

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Webinar: Worker Co-ops and COVID-19

This webinar covers: An overview of COVID-19, its symptoms, and appropriate precautions to take (By a public health nurse). The responsibilities of employers (By a lawyer from Iler Campbell). Small group discussions on solidarity and collaboration among co-ops. Information on supports available to co-ops from the federal government and supports CWCF can provide to member co-ops. Information on the proposal Webinar: Worker Co-ops and COVID-19

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COVID-19 VIRUS Resources

Last updated January 20, 2020 The continued spread of the COVID-19 virus has understandably generated many concerns and questions. CWCF encourages its members to follow the information provided by the following sources, while keeping in mind that the situation is fluid and subject to rapid change. We will be updating this page as more resources COVID-19 VIRUS Resources

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Information for the Cooperative Business Community

** Le français suit. ** Hello/Bonjour aux membres de la FCCT /  CWCF members As sources of information on the rapidly evolving Covid19 pandemic, we suggest using the resources on the NCBA site, here, &/or the Government of Canada here. This notice is adapted with permission from CCO, and with guidance from the CWCF Executive Committee.   In order to Coronavirus (COVID-19): Information for the Cooperative Business Community

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Report from the Executive Director, February 2020

By Hazel Corcoran CWCF Conference/new logo and website/North American Worker Co-op Summit II/GM Oshawa plant conversion/Investment Readiness Program proposal/ICA World Co-op Congress bid/Edmonton meet-and-greet. Plans for the CWCF 2020 Conference in Vancouver  (Nov 12-14, at the YWCA Hotel and another venue for the keynote) are proceeding apace.  We are thrilled to have confirmed the keynote: Nathan Schneider, Report from the Executive Director, February 2020

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CWCF Conference 2020

Postponed to November 18 -20, 2021 in Vancouver Our 2020 AGM happened virtually on November 13, 2020.  More information, including a video recording and slides from the presentation by Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, can be found here:  AGM documents are available here. Nathan Schneider, author of Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition that Is Shaping CWCF Conference 2020

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