A group led by Coco Einarsen, recipient of CWCF’s 2023 Young Adult Arts and Culture grant, hosted a successful drag show at Co-op Bar Milton-Parc on November 25, 2023 promoting the new solidarity cooperative’s offering and ongoing crowdfunding campaign. The event opened with 2 hours of mingling / crafting (painting hand-made teacup candles) and live music sets from local artists. This was followed by five performances from aspiring drag artists in the Montreal scene. Throughout the event there was discussion about the strength of cooperatives and the importance of participating in them, as the venue is a worker-majority coop.
This event helped raise over $800 for the Co-op Bar Milton Parc and spread the word about the importance of coops for community resilience . The funds raised through attendee donations will go towards the creation of a solidarity meal program to address food insecurity in the neighbourhood. It also introduced what the idea of a cooperative is to many new people from around the city.
Applications for the 2024 grant will open shortly. Watch the newsletter and CWCF’s social media for more information in the coming months.