Kenzie Love

Report from the Executive Director, September 2022

By Hazel Corcoran 2022 Conference / Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization and Inclusion (JEDDI) Social Acquisition Project / Staff Anti-Racism Training / Worker Co-op Academy CWCF has embarked on a busy fall, a highlight of which will be our upcoming Conference, Collective Power, November 17-19, in Vancouver. We continue to confirm speakers and other details with Report from the Executive Director, September 2022

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Future Looks Bright for SolarShare – Kenzie Love

Founded in 2010, SolarShare is Canada’s largest renewable energy co-op. The Co-op owns and operates commercial-scale solar systems throughout Ontario. Once the systems are completed and generating revenue, they are refinanced with community investment—Solar Bonds—from over 2,000 members.  Investors in Solar Bonds are also members of the Co-op who are eligible to vote at the Future Looks Bright for SolarShare – Kenzie Love

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Glorious Organics Values Co-operation, Communication, and Community – Kenzie Love

One of the first certified organic farms in BC’s Fraser Valley, Glorious Organics began with a group of farmers who seized an opportunity to supply the Northwest Territories pavilion at Expo 86 in Vancouver with a then-novel product: pre-cut salads. The concept was successful enough that the farmers decided they could make a business out Glorious Organics Values Co-operation, Communication, and Community – Kenzie Love

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Update on 2022 Young Adult Arts and Culture Grant Recipient

CWCF is pleased to announce that the group which received the 2022 Young Adult Arts and Culture Grant has completed its work: translating the co-operative anthem “Bi Hanka” (originally written in the Basque language) into English. As group member Amie Monroe commented: “What a joy to translate such a meaningful piece!” As Monroe further commented: Update on 2022 Young Adult Arts and Culture Grant Recipient

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