Kenzie Love

Contact us now at Common Good Capital

CWCF’s Registered Plans Program, Common Good Capital, is administered by staff in Kentville, Nova Scotia. Address1-41 Aberdeen StreetKentville, NS   B4N 2M9 Phone (902) 678-1683 Fax(902) 678-0780 Our Program staff members are: Kristin VanHattemCommon Good Capital Program Managerrrsp AT canadianworker DOT coop Josh DykeCommon Good Capital Program Administratorjosh AT canadianworker DOT coop Laura Ross Common Good Contact us now at Common Good Capital

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CWCF Emergency Relief / Survival Planning Funding (SPF)

The Canadian Worker Co-op Federation (“CWCF”) has previously offered small grants, through our accumulated reserves, to worker co-operatives to help pay for consulting services such as for marketing, financial administration, expansion, conflict resolution or legal issues. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges many worker co-ops are facing as a result, CWCF is converting CWCF Emergency Relief / Survival Planning Funding (SPF)

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Eyemole Creates Project Explaining Worker Co-ops to Youth

CWCF member Eyemole Co-operative has created a visually engaging story, “How to Start a Co-operative”, that explains the co-operative concept to youth. Eyemole created this project with funds from CWCF’s arts and culture grant program, of which they were the first recipient. Congratulations to Eyemole on completing this project – we hope it will serve Eyemole Creates Project Explaining Worker Co-ops to Youth

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Staff Profile: Mateusz Salmassi

Based in Calgary, Mateusz Salmassi has served as CWCF’s Social Media Assistant since 2019. He is responsible for creating and posting content for CWCF’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds, and has overseen a steady growth in followers for all of these, particularly Instagram. Mateusz has long had an interest in creating a more just world, Staff Profile: Mateusz Salmassi

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CWCF Emergency Relief: Supports to Worker Co-operatives re: Covid-19

We have been monitoring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our members closely, and it has become clear in recent weeks many worker co-operatives will need support to recover or continue their operations during and after the pandemic.  We are already aware of various changes:  some members are far busier than before but without CWCF Emergency Relief: Supports to Worker Co-operatives re: Covid-19

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Webinar: Worker Co-ops and COVID-19

This webinar covers: An overview of COVID-19, its symptoms, and appropriate precautions to take (By a public health nurse). The responsibilities of employers (By a lawyer from Iler Campbell). Small group discussions on solidarity and collaboration among co-ops. Information on supports available to co-ops from the federal government and supports CWCF can provide to member co-ops. Information on the proposal Webinar: Worker Co-ops and COVID-19

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