Co-ops Benefit from Technical Assistance Grants

Two co-ops that were recently awarded grants through CWCF’s Technical Assistance program greatly appreciated the help they received and would recommend the program to others.

West Arm Woodworking, a fledgling co-op in Nelson, BC, sought the grant for assistance in drafting liability waivers for use of its workshop. The co-op worked with Vancouver lawyer Mary Childs to create the waivers, which worker-owner Danielle Soucie says was a crucial part of their operations.

“It was definitely necessary and we’re super thankful for the grant that we received from CWCF in order to hire her,” says Soucie.

Toronto’s Urbane Cyclist also benefited from a grant which helped it deal with issues arising from its recent restructuring. Urbane’s Owen Ardal says the chance to work with longtime co-op developer Russ Christianson was a great opportunity.

“It was very helpful and insightful to have him there, and even just talking in more loose forms about our goals and our business structure and things we want to work towards together”.

CWCF member co-ops will have a chance to apply for the next round of Technical Assistance grants starting September 1.