Kenzie Love

What If We had an Antidote to Worker Co-ops Selling out? The case for indivisible reserves in worker co-operatives

By Hazel Corcoran I read with great concern about the sale of New Belgium Brewery to Kirin-owned Lion Little World Beverages.  The concern is not only for the loss of this ESOP, as disappointing as that is.  Rather, it is because we know that every ESOP, worker co-operative and enterprise in the solidarity economy is What If We had an Antidote to Worker Co-ops Selling out? The case for indivisible reserves in worker co-operatives

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Remembering Two Pioneers in Quebec’s Forestry Industry

By Chloé Lemon and Dany Rousseau Within the span of two weeks, Quebec’s forestry industry lost two notable people. On November 23 Jean-Yves Lévesque, founder of the newspaper Le monde forestier, passed away, followed by Gérard Paris, first president of RESAM, on December 9. In 1987, Jean-Yves Lévesque founded the newspaper which would later become Remembering Two Pioneers in Quebec’s Forestry Industry

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Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States

This book, published in 2014, attempts to bring Marxism and the solidarity economy together in both theory and practice. Since the financial crisis of 2008 and the global popular protests of 2011, more people have begun to wonder and speculate: what’s next for civilization? The economic, social, and political status quo seems unsustainable, but what Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States

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Update on the Investment Readiness Program

By BC Co-op Association, shared with permission The Investment Readiness Program (IRP) is a 2-year $50 million pilot program designed to help advance Social Innovation and Social Finance in Canada by building on existing supports to help catalyze community-led solutions to persistent social and environmental challenges. The pilot will provide a learning opportunity to inform future direction on Update on the Investment Readiness Program

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Atlantic Region – Making the Most of Meeting at the CWCF Annual Conference

By Eric Tusz-King The participants from the Atlantic region at the Annual Conference in Tatamagouche made good use of their caucus time.  They have developed a 3-part plan for promoting and supporting of worker co-ops in the region.  On December 4th ten of those participants and a few more from provincial associations of co-ops met Atlantic Region – Making the Most of Meeting at the CWCF Annual Conference

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