News & Events

CICOPA at the ICA & ILO joint event on the Future of Work in Geneva

(from the Winter 2019 issue of CICOPA Link) In commemoration of the ILO Centenary, the ILO and the ICA had co-organized in Geneva on 24th of June a conference to reflect on the role of cooperatives in addressing key issues in the future of work and promoting decent work. A panel discussion was organized with representatives from CICOPA at the ICA & ILO joint event on the Future of Work in Geneva

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Update from the CICOPA Congress

(from the Winter 2019 issue of CICOPA Link) Last 13 October, in the framework of the ICA Global Conference in Kigali, CICOPA organized its Congress. For the occasion, members from all over the world elected their new President and the new board members for the renewed mandate 2019 – 2023. Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal, director of Institutional Relations at Mondragon Update from the CICOPA Congress

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Rapport sur la journée bilingue de CoopZone/ Report on CoopZone’s Bilingual Day

Par / by Amine El Hafa **English version follows.** La journée bilingue de CoopZone a été un franc succès. Pour cette année, CoopZone a pensé environnement et énergie renouvelable. Les sujets abordés ont eu bonne presse auprès des participants du fait de leur diversité et complémentarité. On a parlé d’économie circulaire, la coopération et notre Rapport sur la journée bilingue de CoopZone/ Report on CoopZone’s Bilingual Day

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Building Resilient Communities: CWCF-CoopZone Conference 2019

By Kenzie Love and Hazel Corcoran CWCF concluded a successful conference in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, which offered both valuable new insights in forums and workshops and the familiar social and networking opportunities participants have come to expect. The conference kicked off with a land acknowledgement, welcoming remarks by CWCF President Reba Plummer and CoopZone President Building Resilient Communities: CWCF-CoopZone Conference 2019

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By Kaye Grant At our recent AGM in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, the board election was held.  CWCF has three new board members: Frank Bezanson-Harris from Just Us Coffee Roasters Co-op in Grand Pré, NS (At-Large Director), Jessica Valentine from Woodshop Workers Co-op of Vancouver (BC/Yukon Director – completing a term, for two years) and Evan CWCF AGM News

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2019 AGM Documents

Below are the files related to CWCF’s 2019 AGM in Tatamagouche.  We regret that these documents are available only in English.  / Nous regrettons que de ces documents ne soient disponibles qu’en anglais. Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour comprendre la langue, consultez en français s’il vous plaît avec la directrice générale Hazel Corcoran,  Merci. AGM agenda 2019 AGM Documents

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